Is your child a picky eater?

Does your child refuse to eat certain foods? Do they fight sitting down for meal times? Or do they have difficulty chewing or swallowing their food?

Meals are such an important part of our daily lives. Having healthy eating routines where your child is actively participating and eating with you is important for their growth and development. There are many components to eating and issues with any component can affect your child’s ability to eat. Difficulty with oral motor skills, behaviors, learning, and sensory processing can all impact eating. Addressing these components to feeding in a systematic approach can help your child meet typical developmental feeding milestones.

Feeding therapy may be the tool that your child needs to help them meet their feeding goals. At Reach for Speech, our team of trained therapists utilizes the Sequential Oral Sensory approach and other methods to address individualized goals and provide the skills children need to overcome eating difficulties.

For more information or for some tips and tricks to help your picky eater visit our Reach for Speech feeding resources at:

Written by: Occupational Therapy Department at Reach for Speech


Building Blocks of Babyhood: Motor Milestones


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